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Christmas Light

In Uncategorized on December 17, 2015 at 15:47


Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. Maya Angelou
I was sat writing my Christmas cards this week and like many of you I like to impart a few words of inspiration to my loved ones. As I sat contemplating what to write this year a single word popped into my head: ‘light’.

I believe that all of us have light within us. I’m blessed enough to be surrounded by people who inspire, motivate, cheer me up and cheer me on with their inner light all the time. It is their greatest gift to me.

Beyond that, I do truly believe that all of us have an inner light. Sometimes, the bumpy roads we travel in life have dimmed them. Sometimes our own lack of self-belief and negativity may have jaded our inner light. Yet, we are born with the natural ability to shine bright. Children will naturally move to centre stage, leaping around the front room or singing Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’ at the top of their voice with their eyes closed! They are unafraid to shine bright and beam, filling our hearts with warmth on our worst days.

For us, however, we have to remember to shine bright
lest life should try to dampen our spirit.

Your inner light is the core of your spirit. Stacy Aberle

If you truly believe those words then you already have the Christmas Spirit within you. I believe Christmas is a time to look back and reflect on those moments in which we have truly shone. Not only that, but to seek to continue to do so. To thank those around us who have shone their light when we may have found ourselves in darkness, and the hope that they will continue to be a beacon in the year ahead.

As you turn the Christmas tree lights on, sit by the fire or light a candle this Christmas; don’t forget to put some work into your own brightness.

Say aloud ‘I will seek to illuminate my inner-light and shine it upon others. I will bask in the light of those around me and rejoice in it.’

Believe it and it will be so.

Thank you for so faithfully reading my rants, tributes, and articles this year. I hope they have inspired you in some way. Your light inspires me always.

Thank you. And a very merry Christmas