
Archive for January, 2011|Monthly archive page

New year, new thinking!

In Uncategorized on January 6, 2011 at 09:37

So now that the season’s festivities have ended, the belts have been undone because of the extra weight and your New Years resolutions (which I hope you keep) have been made, what happens next?

Christmas came and went like a puff of smoke. After all the rushing around buying every Tom, Dick and Harry (love you all really!) presents, spending hours preparing an extravagant meal fit for a king and cherishing that special day with close family and friends, what is the next step for making 2011 any different from the year we just endured?

Well I for one will be cherishing each day as it comes, as last year held a railroad of trials, tribulations and successes which has made me see things from a much clearer prospective now. Little did I know that just under a year ago my best friend and confidante, would have been taken away from me so suddenly. My mum was a very positive force in my life and to this day, I will always remember her supportive words of encouragement to use in all my future endeavours.

This year I will be looking at all the opportunities that come my way as a means of taking away the negativity of the big, bad recession. Granted, so many have lost their home, jobs and businesses because of the economic downturn but many people I have come across have used this time to develop flourishing businesses and have helped to turn a negative into a positive. I personally believe that this year will be the worst effected by our economic climate, especially with the fact that VAT has now risen to 20%. Everytime I think about making that short drive to fill up my petrol tank, I feel to shed a little tear. The next few years are going to be pretty tough but, we have so many things to look forward to, that we should always keep our heads up.

It’s about time that we stop procrastinating about what we could be doing and just get on and do it! Time waits for no man and if we forever live in the state of ‘what if?’, we will never prosper. I am grabbing this year by  the horns and making sure that I do myself, as well as, my mother proud.

If we develop a new way of thinking, only good things will happen as you will hopefully be thinking outside of the box. Don’t let this year slip away without you putting your mark on something positive.  Remove the negative people who are surrounding themselves around you and push forward. Make this the year where you let bygones be bygones and hold close those who are most dear to you.

The feeling you get when you lose someone close to you is indescribable but if  last year has taught me anything at all, it is that we should learn to never give up on our dreams and live today as if your life depended on it!

It’s a new year, so enjoy it people! It’s going to be one hell of a ride!