
Archive for January, 2010|Monthly archive page

Looking ‘hot’ in the ‘cold’

In Diahanne's Daily Rants on January 21, 2010 at 14:39

Layers, upon layers, upon layers… but still looking hot! Well… I’m trying to in this cold weather.   All I want to do when it’s cold is to be warm on the inside, but look hot on the outside. 

I don’t know about other women but for me it’s all about adding colour… a bright coloured jumper, a colourful belt or funky accessories, topped off with a warm stylish coat and my boots. Now let me tell you, I say boots or should I say ‘Hunters’, let me explain.

I’ve got a mate, whose nuts… Now let me tell you, I thought I was a Fashionista, but then my friend ordered some ‘Hunters’… and I thought ‘Hunters’??? Let me tell you they’re ‘Wellies’.  You can get wellies from Asda for what… less than a tenner (bless you George), but not these wellies they start from about £40 – what kind of rubber are they made of ‘platinum’?  I had to check this out.

I went on the website and they have Hunters with frills, leather, fur, buckles, everytin’ you name it, even the bling, bling kind.  They start at about £45 and the last pair I looked at were £295… now come on, that’s ridiculous!

So there I was, with my mate, counting down the days to the delivery.  Wait for it… my mate walks in with her Hunters!!! They have there own socks, buckles, and they’re patent… was I converted? Yes, in mind, but not in pocket! These type of wellies go on your Christmas or Birthday wish list, but saying that you know what… let one of my nephews ask me for Hunters (they have a kiddies range – starting £25+) and I’ll be taking them to see George, bless you George!

What’s your advice for looking ‘hot’ in the ‘cold’?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

In Diahanne's Daily Rants on January 18, 2010 at 17:51

Happy Martin Luther King Day!  My fellow Americans are remembering and celebrating his life toady and so am I.  But come on people… we should always be acknowledging and remembering people from our history like Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Fredrick Douglas, to name a few, but not just on one day or during one month. 

Martin Luther King Jr fought for equal rights and inspired many other African Americans to step up and do the same.  They’ve paved the way for us to live the lives we live today; but are we ‘stepping up’?  I don’t think we really appreciate the struggles, fights, and achievements of these people and all that they did so that we could have rights!

We should be fighting for our rights?  Instead of moaning about things… and I’m talking about the day-to-day stuff… vote and make a difference; there’s no point in moaning if you’re not prepared to do anything about it!  When we believe in something we need to stand up for it, because if we don’t who else will? Every other community stands up for their own.

I feel like I was one of the fortunate ones, as I interviewed the late Coretta Scott King and this woman had strength and was prepared to put her head above the pulpit.  It made me look at myself and although I care about my race, I’ve asked myself do I do enough?  It’s true not everyone can be the next Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or Marcus Garvey, but they are out there.

If we looked at the UK whose our equivalent of Martin Luther King? Al Sharpton?  Who would you name? Tell me, I look forward to reading your comments.

“We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our automobiles, rather than by the quality of our service and relationship to humanity.” The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Bring on the New Days!

In Diahanne's Daily Rants on January 6, 2010 at 10:52

A few days into January and like most people my highs and lows of 2009 are stacked on the shelf and I’m looking forward to new prospects, new possibilities and the coming days and months of 2010.

Bring on the New Days!  How many of us really appreciate and enjoy each day for the experiences it brings; the people we have around us; that one little thing that made us smile; and the beauty of our surroundings as the seasons change… (well not on a day like today when it snows and they’ve not gritted the roads and I wouldn’t mind, but I’ve paid my council tax, which isn’t cheap!!! Boris where de salt deh! And Boris, if you don’t understand “where is the salt?”… I’m sure he’s not waiting for me to re-elect him!).  Come on let’s be honest, not many of us really do; we only appreciate things when in some way or another we loose them.

It isn’t always rosy, some days have brought me sad or trying times and at times I’ve questioned why me, but every experience is a paragraph in my chapter in life and all anyone can do is learn from those experiences and what’s great about life is that you can then start a new chapter.

Life is too short… every day is precious… so people… I don’t know about you but I’m going to enjoy each day to the fullest – Happy New Day!